Exhibition “Pupin / From Physical to Spiritual Reality” represents the biggest overview of Michael Pupin’s life and work. For the first time, interactive new media solutions (using augmented reality, virtual reality, motion tracking, voice recognition …) were implemented at this scale; Conceived, designed, and implemented by LiveViewStudio, with a unique combination of physical and virtual elements, Pupin’s life and science work could be explored in new, educative and fun way.

Concept, Exhibition Design, IxD: Marko Todorovic
Our aim was to create an edutainment experience turning passive observers into active participants, that in addition to communicating the subject of exhibition introduces the visitor to new and exciting technologies and media of the future …
Turning a page of a giant book, a visual metaphor of his most important literary works, triggers the appearance of animated Michael Pupin and his welcome words …
Numerous exhibits through out the exhibition are overlaid with digital content. By pointing their phone at the window of designed house, visitors can trigger 360 VR/AR experience of his childhood home, or a village church where he was baptized – triggered by the exhibited book.
Additionally, images and other exhibits throughout exhibition space, are overlaid with interesting stories from Pupin’s life told by highend digital reconstruction of Michale Pupin  …

Interactive space installation symbolizes Pupin’s arrival to America on a migrant ship Westphalia and his first encounter with New York.
Using motion sensor, the large scale projection mapped over the New York backdrop is activated by user’s movement …

X-ray installation presents the scientist’s contribution in medical application of X-ray. Using kinect sensor the 3d model of skeleton is adjusted to user movement. Additionally, users can trigger audio guides by pressing buttons …
Pupinisation is an interactive space installation dedicated to his work in telecommunication that brought revolution in long distance telephony. The setup uses an old 1900 phone, where we integrated microphone and speaker, and large scale projection. When user is detected, the phone rings, and the user is invited to say something. Using speech api, the spoken words are integrated in animation in real time and projected on large scale screen. The aim was to visually interpret the scientific contribution to long distance telephony …
Using augmented reality glasses, visitors can discover the meaning of illustrated patents and the significance Pupin’s mathematical work had for different inventions throughout the 20th century …
Within the segment dedicated to Pupin’s work at Columbia University, visitors have the opportunity to attend a lecture by Professor Pupin in augmented reality, as well as to meet its most important students. The projection on a specially constructed canvas, represent an press archive of Mihajlo Pupin …
Using motion tracking and hand gesture technology the installations reperesenting Pupin’s literary work, allows users to flip the book pages just by waving their hand …
Augmented reality periscope and a short animated movie are part of the segment dealing with Pupin’s national engagement and his scientific work for US army during WWI …
Stars is an installation where a swing is used to create a large interactive starry sky. The swinging triggers animation where Pupin’s portrait is constructed followed with voice over with his thoughts …
Augmented reality game, introducing visitors to Banatske Shore – a local game similar to baseball …
Catalogue pages are enriched/overlayed with additional multimedia content that can be discovered with Pupin app …
Concept, Exhibition Design, AD, IxD:
Marko Todorovic
Exhibition Site:
Historical Museum of Serbia, Belgrade
Project Phases:
Planning, realisation and operation
Project Duration:
9 months
24 September 2015
Exhibition Duration:
16 months
Exhibition Area:
2000 m²
Historical Musem of Serbia

Exhibition "Pupin"